Last days I followed the introduction intensive #bodyorientedlearning with Hilde Bolt and Marijke Levelink What a party! Experiencing through my own body what safety means, what connection means and how you can follow the body as a wordless guide in your life. Very nice for myself and at the same time very inspiring to be able to use from today in my own training sessions and coaching conversations.
Highly recommended for professionals who guide people and who realize that the body plays a role, perhaps even the leading role.
In deze twee dagen ben ik me nog bewuster geworden van de zuiverheid van het kompas dat in ons lichaam aanwezig is.
Daarbij heb ik hele praktische oefeningen geleerd om er makkelijker verbinding mee te maken.
Deze methoden gaan mij helpen zowel privé als in mijn werk.
Verder ben ik onder de indruk van de professionaliteit, hartelijkheid en bevlogenheid van de leiding en gun ik dit iedereen.
Vrolijk, pittig, bevrijdend, confronterend, verdiepend - het was het waard. Tot een volgende keer!
Terugkijkend op 2 prachtige dagen waar ik weer ten volle heb kunnen genieten van het lichaamsgericht werken. Dank allemaal voor deze intensieve ervaring.
Door de combinatie van methodieken vanuit verschillende disciplines en culturen krijg je in deze training op het gebied van traumaverwerking een kleurrijk en meer volledige palet aan tools mee die je voor cliënten/coachées kunt inzetten. Je krijgt inzichten aangereikt om trauma’s die in het lichaam zijn opgeslagen op te sporen en te releasen. Beweging en dans vormen hierbij een rode draad. Zo fijn!
We denken dat we veel over onszelf en ons lichaam weten, maar als je écht de verbinding maakt, ontdek je dat je lichaam je, jouw verhaal vertelt. Tijdens deze Intensive leer je luisteren naar de signalen die jouw lijf je geeft, te voelen wat het nodig heeft. Je maakt als het ware contact met je innerlijke kompas, leert hoe daarop te vertrouwen en te koersen. Ook als professional onderga je de aangereikte methodieken en het werkt echt! Ik heb het helende effect bij de anderen in de groep zien ontstaan. Zelf ervaar ik meer innerlijke rust en heb ik meer energie dan voorheen.
De training is praktisch en down to earth. Hilde en Marijke zijn bevlogen, inspirerende professionals met een missie. In een veilige setting nemen ze je mee naar de lichaamsgerichte wereld. Beide putten uit jarenlange kennis en ervaring en op het gebied van traumaverwerking is de insteek die zij bieden relevant en nodig!
Een aanrader voor professionals die mensen begeleiden en die zich realiseren dat het lichaam daarin een rol speelt, misschien zelfs wel de hoofdrol.
Trauma, in the sense of 'injury', is an essential part of the world in this turbulent time. Many people have been traumatized in the past or are unaware that they are injured and are living from a triggered state. Other people are traumatized because the world is injured and unsafe.
These developments are immediately reflected in the large waiting lists in the care sector. In addition, the current (cognitive oriented) care seems to pay too little attention to the physical side of trauma, which is very essential. Trauma has a very direct impact on our entire system, mentally, emotionally and physically. Thorough knowledge about trauma is necessary right now to understand the world we live in now, to better understand ourselves (and thus others) and thus know what it takes to improve the quality of life.
In this experiential Intensive you learn to look through the eyes of trauma at your own life and that of the people you work with. You learn what the impact and effect of trauma is, you learn to listen to the story of the body and how to investigate and broaden traces of trauma. The basis for the training is Body Oriented Learning.
You become acquainted with various methods derived from different disciplines, visions and cultures; regular scientific and supplementary.
- The body as a starting point and wise teacher
- The Wounded Healer
- Trauma Tracking
- Following the inner movement
- Where words fail
- Levels of processing - the many layers of the physical
- The effect of music and trauma
- Beyond the shame
For whom
This experiential Intensive Introduction has been specially developed for professionals who are experienced in professionally guiding people (for example in health care or somatic care), who want to orientate themselves and possibly specialize in working with trauma. eg. psychologists, psychotherapists, coaches, counselors, doctors or physiotherapists, POHGGZ, social workers and psychosocial therapists)
Center Samaya in Werkhoven
drs. Hilde Bolt – Psychologist-Psychotherapist
drs. Marijke Levelink- Androgoog -Coach-Counselor
The costs for the training are:
€ 395 (Excl. 21% VAT, including study material, introductory zoom meeting)
The arrangement costs amount to
€ 320,- (including 9% VAT, 2 nights, breakfast, lunches, dinner, coffee, tea and snacks)
(€341 for a single room)
If you want to follow the training, you will receive free access to the recordings of the webinar Body Oriented Learning & Trauma by Hilde Bolt on 11 October. This webinar will look in more detail at what Body Oriented Learning and Trauma actually is, how the mechanism of trauma works, what processing is and what the levels of processing are and how the disconnection between body and self can be restored.
If you really want to specialize in trauma counseling, the Intensive Professional Training Trauma & Body Oriented Learning may be something for you. We start on March 7, 2022.
Participation in this Intensive Introduction is a prerequisite for this training. If you can't make it in November, there is the possibility to participate in January 2022 (January 16 to 18, 2022).
Had very nice days. If you are interested in body-oriented work on trauma, highly recommended! Hilde and Marijke are loving, powerful women with a lot of experience and each with their own strength and wisdom. I would have liked a few more days.
Very glad I gave this to myself.
It was a great workout! Really recommended. Special experiences for myself and which I can apply in guiding my clients, great connection with the group and 2 great trainers. It's just a gift to yourself.
It were two Intensively beautiful days. Thanks to Hilde, Marijke and all participants who each in their own way experienced what Trauma & Body Oriented Learning entails. Don't hesitate, but be sure to register before January. It's going to bring you a lot.