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Composition of the four natural elements and Earth. Elements of this image furnished by NA

Annual training Working with
Body Language for Professionals

Pas als ik de grootsheid in mezelf kan  zien, kan ik de grootsheid in anderen zien'

 (Kay Polak)

The Year Training Working with Body Language is a broad and complete training for body-oriented coaching for experienced professionals. You will become acquainted with body-oriented working methods, originating from various visions, cultures and disciplines. This training offers the opportunity to experience your authentic power, creativity and inspiration from your body, in all your cells and to anchor it in yourself. In practice this means more confidence, creativity and pleasure in what you do. This course also offers the opportunity to increase your professional competence by introducing personal issues. Because many care providers often forget themselves, an important part is also the development of self-care at all levels; mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.


Do you want to follow a broad basic training in body-oriented coaching? Then take a look at the website:



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