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Image by Gabriel Dizzi


The body has fewer inhibitions than the mind.

(Victor Frankl)


The Body Oriented Learning Academy is a new, non-dual movement aimed at increasing integrated knowledge about the body, body experience, awareness and language. Under this heading we bring together visions from multiple perspectives, cultures, disciplines and eras. We work together with a team of renowned professionals.


We call our method Body Oriented Learning, because as human beings we have—just like all living beings—a body in common. The body transcends culture and is also our closest connection with nature. After all, the body is our own physical form of nature. When we look at our (western, white patriarchal) world, it becomes clear that we have learned to neglect our bodies. This is also reflected in how we mistreat our natural surroundings and other human beings resulting in ecological crises, oppression, discrimination and inhumanity.


​As human beings we are subject to the same life challenges . We all deal with pain, loss, grief, and also with joy, sorrow, illness and mortality. When our focus is on the body, there is no distinction, there is no status, there is no power relationship and there are no limiting beliefs. Then we are all equal, and we can be human. Because the ego doesn’t play a role here, things as compassion, non-duality and love can arise. We believe it is essential that it is not about ego, role-playing and labeling, but about shared humanity.


We hope to generate a new movement with Body Oriented Learning, deliberately outside of all existing systems, aimed at increasing awareness, knowledge, and compassion, based on non-duality and inclusivity.


​​We are active in:

  • Medical and Care Assistance

  • Organizations

  • Social projects



  • Events & Experience - Increasing body awareness for everyone (to promote health, a feeling of belonging, and togetherness).

  • Performance – Experiential performances


From a vision of:

  • A combination of Western, mainstream, scientific & complementary views

  • Various disciplines (anthropology, dance, theatre, music…)

  • Other (original) cultures (Maori healing, Chinese Medicine, Shamanism, Ayurveda...)


​ Body Oriented Learning focuses on:

  • Deeply experiencing that we are all ordinary human beings and equal.

  • Learning to live in a body from Basic Safety.

  • Trusting the truth and wisdom of the body.

  • Trusting the body's self-healing ability.

  • Learning to relate to mortality.

  • Learning to live according to natural principles and laws.

  • Learning to understand the signals and language of the body.

  • A healthy way of dealing with emotions and feelings.

  • Being grounded in the body so that everything that the body tells you can be experienced safely.

  • Developing healthy self-care on all levels (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual).

  • Restoring the (violated) connection with the body.

  • Processing and moving from the natural pace of the body.

  • Freeing the body.

  • Developing emotional maturity and thus increasing strength and resilience in life.

  • Finding inner peace in the body.


And especially on:


  • Learning to enjoy the body!




Native drums
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